
LED backlight circuit board function tester

LED backlight circuit board function tester
    This product is a special test equipment for LED backlight independently developed and produced by Galaxy;
   1. Product use

       It is mainly used to detect the LED backlight FPC of mobile phones, tablet computers, etc., as well as the assembled backlight products.


    2. Features _

     1. Configure a high-precision program-controlled power supply module;

     2. Adopt embedded processor to improve test accuracy and stability;

     3. Quickly and accurately detect dead lights, dim lights, broken lights, half of a single light, etc. in each string of lamp beads;

     4. Compare the voltage difference and current difference between each string of lights to reduce the electrical difference between each string of lights in the backlight. The range can be set according to requirements.

     5. Standard MES interface, which can record and record test data for easy traceability.

    3. Technical indicators

     1. Number of test points:

        The number of points can be flexibly configured according to the tested product, and the maximum can be expanded to 1216 points (single backplane system)

     2. Current and voltage output

        Constant voltage / constant current output;     

        Accuracy: ±1%

     3. Voltage measurement

        Measurement accuracy: ±1%

     4. Current measurement

        Multi-gear automatic switching test;

        Measurement accuracy: ±1%

     5. NTC resistance measurement

       NTC resistance range: 50Ω - 10KΩ ;

        Measurement accuracy 50Ω-5KΩ ±5% ; 5KΩ-10 KΩ ±10% ;

     6. Voltage difference test

        Measurement accuracy: 1%

     7. Single-step test time

        Single test step time: 40mS

    4. Main User Units

        It is used in the backlight circuit board patch factory of Huawei, OPPO , VIVO and other mobile phone brand manufacturers, and the assembly factory of backlight products. Customers who have used: Baoming Display, Hongan Electronics, Lianchuangzhiguang, Penglong Optoelectronics, Decang Technology, Sankyo Seiko, Sanhe Optoelectronics, Suijing Optoelectronics, Longli Technology, Jinpeng Yuankang Precision, Yamamoto Optoelectronics, etc.)

    Product demo : https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDMxMDkzNDUyMA==.html?spm=a2h9p.12366999.app.5~5!2~5~5!2~5~5!2~5!3 ~5~5~5~5~5~21~22~TR~TD!2~5~5!2~H4~A


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