In and out board type universal vision detector

1. Device function description:

Off-line visual inspection equipment, mainly to detect the appearance and component inspection of mobile phones.

1. The material can be taken before and after

2. Error-proof function of taking material

3. Check the upper and lower sides at the same time

4. Detection range: 100*78 (4 inches) -190*110 (7 inches)

2. Technical indicators

serial number project Technical indicators Indicator requirements
1   Job Format (Online, Offline) offline
Equipment type Offline
equipment refurbishment  
Size (L*W*H) 500mm*500mm*1500mm
operating system win7 64 bit
    Host model  
    CPU I7
    RAM 8G
    monitor 17 inches
2 Device parameters Turntable on camera Pixel camera 140ow
Single camera field of view 190mm (camera W direction)
precision 54um/pt
Lens resolution 4608*3288
color color camera
lens 8mm
Bottom camera (below) Pixel camera 1400W 14fps
Single camera field of view 190mm
(Width H direction 240mm)
precision 54mmpt
Resolution 4608*3288
color color camera
lens 8mm
illumination light controller Several white strip lights
Application Security The program needs password control to prevent wrong program adjustment Yes
Operation method seated  
Detection speed 0.3s/test item  
mobile phone detection Check LDGO and barcode Yes
Call the police Voice Alarm/Alarm Light Yes
Bad product warning signals Yes
Image display, contrast image display Yes
Bad traceability Automatically save bad pictures Yes
Program memory 100 groups

3. Scope of application

Mobile phone appearance, pad appearance, small circuit board

4. Project case

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